Baby Iguana

By Ely Robinson

This morning I looked out my window
and much to my surprise
somebody else was looking out
with little beady green eyes.

His tiny nose was rubbing
against the pane of glass
with a longing to be running through
my backyard’s long green grass.

How in the world did you get in here?
I thought with much dismay.
I guess he was seeking shelter
when it rained the other day.

I thought, how neat and what a treat!
I’ll keep him as my pet.
I put him in a big plant pot.
“You’ll be comfy here I bet!”

Next morning at my window
much to my surprise
there he was all over again,
which made me realize.

His place was not in here with me
all cooped up inside.
He probably had a family
waiting there outside.

So I picked him up so gently
and carried him to the garden.
I set him down upon the grass
and begged him for his pardon.

He didn’t make a dash for it.
He didn’t run away.
He just sort of turned around and said,
“I’ll see you again someday!”

Miss Ely suggests teachers (or parents) use the previous worksheet for Grade 3 elementary school kids