Find out how to participate!
If you’re a school coordinator and would like to enter your school for the contest please follow the next steps to be part of it:

Click here to CONTACT me!
1. Contact me and reserve the date you will submit your student’s work, this should be a Friday. Your students should have at least a week to work on their picture. It is suggested, but not obligatory, for your students to do the picture at school or in Art Class to avoid parents wanting to enhance the art.
2. Collect all the pictures and make a presentation of the 10 best. Send them to me by email, Wetransfer, Dropbox or any other means possible to you. PLEASE MAKE SURE EACH PICTURE / DRAWING / ILLUSTRATION is clearly identified with the students GRADE, GROUP AND FULL NAME WITH ALL SURNAMES.
3. I recommended that you start with 5th – 6th grades as your younger students will be motivated by the older ones.
– 3rd/4th
– 5th/6th
– Middle School
– High School
You can have them all participate at the same time but with different poems.
Student’s Rules
These are the basic rules for the students to participate. Ask your students to follow them carefully to avoid being disqualified!

1. The art must represent the student’s interpretation of the poem assigned by
the teacher.
2. It must be in color, not black and white.
3. The art must NOT be digitally created.
4. The use of colors and textures is strongly encouraged!
5. Mom and Dad must NOT help with the art.
6. Art should be done on white letter size page (tamaño carta), not “cuadricular“.
7. The art piece should not have any writing on it. NO words or names on the front of the picture.
8. Make sure the art is scanned or the photo is flat. Please choose a solid background.
Please CONTACT me so I can provide full details about the judges’ panel and prizes. Hope to hear from you soon!
Or send me an email to: missely@englishprogramsuccess.com
These are just a few examples of the beautiful and amazing art some creative tiny humans created!

All artists agree that all pictures submitted to the contest can be used at Miss Ely’s discretion for the Website, the Digital Book, Social Media and any future
Paper Book that may be printed in the future. Elizabeth Rose Robinson grants teachers permission to use or photo copy her poems and pictures for classroom use.
All rights reserved.
April 2024 ©